Amal, Wazifa and Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice in Islam

Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice

Have you always dreamt of getting married to someone you like? Do you believe in love marriages? If yes, then there’s no harm in it. Yes, our Molana sahib also supports your decision. Our Alim sahib says that “in Islam, it is a great sin to force your choice on your child for marriage”. Therefore, we all know that forced marriages are forbidden in Islam. Allah subhan wa taalah has created you and he knows the best for you. You just need to follow the sunnah of marriage by choice and your nikah will insha Allah be approved by the Almighty.

It is right to say that affection or attraction towards someone of your choice is a natural feeling and by no means, it is Haram. You can make dua to marry someone of your choice as it is absolutely permissible for Muslims. Although, an illicit relation between a man and a woman is haram, but if an accidental meeting or glance has created emotions in your heart then you can definitely make dua to marry someone of your choice and it is no sin in the eyes of Allah and his Rasool.

Amal To Marry Someone of Your Choice in Islam

Amal To Marry Someone of Your Choice in Islam

It might be possible that you may know someone through a friend or relative and you have heard good thing about him or her; he or she may have all the qualities that you need in your life partner, then sending a marriage proposal to his or her place or talking to your parents about your choice is not wrong, in any way. If you want that your marriage proposal gets accepted instantly without any trouble, then you should start practicing the amal to marry someone of your choice in Islam, from today only. 

These wazifa and amal to marry someone of your choice in Islam are quite tricky and they may take time to show their results, if not done properly. Therefore, it is best to visit our hafiz ji once and understand the wazifa to marry someone of your choice carefully and then start doing it, by yourself. This will help you in avoiding wastage of time and unwanted affects, as well.

Wazifa To Marry Someone of Your Choice

The wazifa to marry someone of your choice is mentioned below for you –

If you want to marry someone you really like then you need to do some efforts for it. Daily, in the morning before namaz – e – fajr, you need to get up and sacrifice your sleep. This is the best hour to perform this wazifa. But, if hazrat are not comfortable then they can try it at some other time, as well. Make sure that you choose a neat and tidy room to perform the wazifa to get someone of your choice. Another important thing that matters is that you need to be absolutely alone in the room, while performing the wazifa.

 In the wazifa, you need the recite the below given dua at least 1001 times with Durood – e- Pak in the starting as well as in the end.

Dua – Izaaa Sal Taa Fass Alil Lah

After, completing the wazifa, raise your hands and ask Allah, what you really seek for. Insha Allah, it will be granted to you, soon, Ameen!

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